Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"B" Cake

My wonderful In-laws came into town this past weekend, so I decided I would make them a cake! It's no Butter Rum cake, but I did make them a chocolate cake with a caramel filling and fudge chocolate icing. It was pretty tasty if I do say so myself!

Jamie, my Mother-In-Law absolutely LOVES monograms and "B"s- so I saw it fit to make her a cake with a "B" on it. And yes, I used UMHB colors :) (That's where my husband, her son, went to school...and they are die hard fans :) ).

I wasn't exactly sure what I was going to do with the B, but I like to make flowers-so I went with the flowers and did my first flower border on the bottom too! I used edible pearls as the center of the flowers too. I thought it turned out pretty cute.

Needless to say, we had a whole cake for 4 people...we ate some after dinner Friday night and again after lunch Saturday! Breakfast was an option too :) We managed to eat half of the cake and sent the other half back with them!

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