Saturday, September 17, 2011

Pink Fondant Flower Cupcakes

Yesterday I decided to try to make some marshmallow fondant and then play with it and make flowers. So I came out with the white & pink daisies and stacked them on top of each other and put an edible pearl in the center.  I made 12 of them and just left them on the counter to use them for something...who knew what!

Today, Dawson and I are headed to the AGGIE GAME!! (WHOOP!) We are going to meet up with my sister, so I decided to make some cupcakes and take to her and her roommates. I haven't made yellow cupcakes or vanilla icing yet, so I decided to give it a try!

I used my yellow cake recipe and made cupcakes and then made some homemade vanilla icing and died it pink :) I figured out how to swirl the icing on the cupcakes to make it stand up tall and then placed the premade fondant flower onto the icing and sprinkled the cupcake with clear sprinkles- I think they turned out pretty cute! And there were 2 extras- so Dawson and I got to taste them too :) They tasted great too! I love getting to bake and make fun things!! Thank you Jesus for providing the time for me to do something I love!!

Now I have another cute cupcake I can sell with Kakes N Bakes!!

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